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Jersey County Page     Schools Page

Sherman Class of 1951Sherman Class of 1951

Sherman School (Est. 1875?) was in the panhandle of Jersey CO. Therenovated building is still in use as a private residence. This picturewas taken in 1951 which was probably the last year the building was usedas a school. Sherman had already been consolidated into District 100 andin the fall of 1952(?) students were consolidated into Kane Elementary. Mr. Robinson was the teacher for the last two years that the school wasopen.

There was a large piano in the room, three small book shelves (afterconsolidation into District 100, bus transportation was provided,the book mobile came around about once a month and a music teacher came on aregular basis). A large coal furnace surrounded by duct work was in thecorner opposite Mr. Robinson and there were fluorescent lights. The old oil lamps were still in place for emergencies and one can be seen along the wall. There were separate “three holers” for boys and for girls along the back edge of the lot and a building having: a storage room, a center room large enough for one car and a room for fuel storage. In front of the building was a well, a metal storm cellar and playground equipment.

Left row: Kenny SHAW, Marcella WILLIS, Ronald TURNER, Wanda BELL, EmmaSHAW and Omar ROBINSON (teacher).
Center row: Marjorie TURNER, Donald McDANIELS, Wayne McDANIELS, Barbara PLATO and Jerry SHAW.
Right row: Roger MOURNING, Leslie EADS, Michael MOURNING and Charles Eugene(Gene) RITCHEY. Dewey SHAW (absent).

Thanks to Michael Mourning for submitting this photo.

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