Jersey County ILGenWeb, copyright Judy Griffin 2002-2005. In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data and images may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or for other presentation without express permission by the contributor(s).
Jersey County Page
Jerseyville History
- How Jerseyville was named. Information from published history with additional information from a resident.
Jerseyville Sold For Eighty Dollars.
Fair Mound, early Jerseyville.
Jerseyville in 1852. Includes information on Jerseyville in ca. 1887.
Thanksgiving Discourse, Rev. L. Grosvenor, 1853. Early Jerseyville history (and a fair amount of opinion).
Business Men 1885. Many have biographical information. Includes historical information.
Jerseyville 1889. In 1889, the Jersey County Democrat devoted the entire twelve page newspaper to an early history of Jerseyville and to Jerseyville in 1889. Accompanying the narrative were wonderful engravings. Transcription of the text and scanned engravings.
Jerseyville circa 1908, Main Street, Courthouse, School, Library.
Cooper’s History of Jerseyville Name Index, History of Jerseyville, Illinois, 1822 to 1901, Jerseyville, IL: Jerseyville Republican Print, 1901. If you find a name in the index, you can read the transcription on the pages below.
Cooper’s History of Jerseyville, transcribed
- Cooper’s History of Jerseyville, pages 1-27.
Cooper’s History of Jerseyville, pages 28-40, churches.
Cooper’s History of Jerseyville, pages 41-47, clergy
Cooper’s History of Jerseyville, pages 48-55, newspapers, editors
Cooper’s History of Jerseyville, pages 56-76, early schools, teachers, high school graduates
Cooper’s History of Jerseyville, pages 77-92, physicians, dentists
Cooper’s History of Jerseyville, pages 92-121, attorneys, city/county officials, municipal government, city officers
Cooper’s History of Jerseyville, pages 122-148, city services (e.g. telephone), secret societies
Cooper’s History of Jerseyville, pages 149-182, biographical sketches
Cooper’s History of Jerseyville, pages 183-217, classified business directory
Cooper’s History of Jerseyville, pages 218-236, among the pioneers (early history)
Cooper’s History of Jerseyville, Illustrations.
Jerseyville circa 1912, courthouse 1912, East Pearl Street (no date).
Jerseyville 1928 Main Street
Jacoby Brothers circa 1908, furniture store and undertaking business.
I would like to see that.