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Jersey County Page Schools Page
Rosedale School
No date

Front Row: All unknown except next to last is Paul Crull.
Second: Bud Crull; all rest unknown except starting with the fourth girl from end are Alma June Crull; unknown; Ione Hoyt; unknown.
Last row: All unknown except the second girl from the end is Dorothy Crull.
Researcher note: Teacher Mary Ellen Schaaf Matthews, 2nd row 6th girl Alsia Matthews. Mary Ellen was my grandmother and Alsia my mother – Kim Levy.

Minnie Isringhausen is the girl standing on the far right. All the rest are unknown (Marty Crull’s dad is the boy at the back with part of his face hidden).

No date

No date
Twelve former teachers of the Rosedale School were present at the homecoming and reunion held on Wed of last week in connection with the annual Rosedale picnic. The list included Mrs. Elizabeth Barton of Otterville, oldest living teacher of the school, R.R. Ward of Alton, F.A. Lowe of Jerseyville, J. B. Legate of Godfrey, Mrs. Hallie Harris McDow of Springfield, Mrs. Clara Calaway Stanper of Godfrey, Mrs. Josephine Falter of Jerseyville, Mrs. Leah Danielson Piper of Alton, Mrs. F. M. Lynn of Otterville, Mrs. Emma Wedding Legate of Godfrey, Miss Josephine Stahl of Jerseyville, Mrs. Gertrude Jacobson (Schl?nsker) of Jerseyville, Miss Cara Wedding and the present teacher Miss Mildred Rintoul.
Mrs. Barton taught the school during the winter of 1862 and 63. At that time she was Miss Elizabeth Montgomery. James Crull, known as Uncle Jim, Mrs. Rhoch Crull and Mrs. Jack Thompson, all of Rosedale were among her former students. Jerseyville Republican, Sept 3, 1925. Contributed by Richard Bloss.
Oldest Teacher Attends Rosedale School Reunion
She is Mrs. Elizabeth Barton, 80, of Otterville.
A crowd estimated at one thousand attended the homecoming picnic and reunion of former pupils and teachers of Rosedale School of Rosedale yesterday. The celebration planned by the Board of Directors of the school was an epocal event in the educational history of Jersey County. Marking the abandonment of the Rosedale building nearly 75 years old and its replacement by a modern new structure.
Mrs. Elizabeth Barton of Otterville is the oldest living teacher of the Rosedale School. Although she is in her eightieth year, she attended the reunion where she was greeted warmly by many of her former pupils.
The homecoming was held in connection with the annual picnic of the ME church of Rosedale. The ladies of this organization were in charge of the refreshment stands and provide dinner for the guests. Various forms of amusement including baseball games, horseshoe pitching and other athletic contests were staged for the entertainment of visitors.
J. B. Legate of Godfrey was in charge of the program, which was presented in the afternoon. Hon. J.W. Becker of Springfield, Director of the Ill. Tuberculosis Association, former County Superintendent of Schools and active community worker of Jersey County was the principal speaker. During the afternoon many responded to the roll call of former teachers, pupils and county superintendents of schools. The people of Rosedale Township took considerable pride in the fact that the present Superintendent, L. E. Groppel, is a former citizen of the township, where he was born and reared. He was present and took an active part in the festivities yesterday. – Unknown newspaper. Contributed by Richard Bloss.
Jerseyville Republican, August 20, 1925
J.W. Becker, director of the Illinois Tuberculosis Association will be on of the speaker. M. B. Legate of Mena, Ark., who is the oldest living teacher of the old school, is also expected to return for the festivities and will deliver an address.
The program committee is finding more and more material and history connected with the school and township. William Groppel, the present school treasurer, is the possession of records dating back to 1846. This was when Benj. Wedding, Thomas Wedding, Freeman Sweet, J. L. Beirne, John Reed and others, were young and active in affairs of the West side. Mrs. Elizabeth Barton of Otterville taught Rosedale school in 1862-63. Thomas Case, former County Superintendent of Schools, and Mrs. Lynn are expected to be present.
It is planned to have many relics of old school days, such as may be collected from former pupils, on display on that day. The present Rosedale school building which will be sold and razed is being used to store building materials to be used in building the new school.
The passing of the old school, 75 years old, and rich in historical interest will be an epochal event around which will cluster many subjects of reminiscences when pupils and teacher gather for homecoming.
The History of Jersey C. gives the following education data concerning Rosedale township: “The first school in Rosedale township was in 1833 in a little log cabin which stood on the northeast corner of section 21. It was bought by Moses E. Morrill, who had been a sea captain and was a very well-informed man. Among the first scholars were Lloyd, John H., and Elizabeth A. Belt, two or three children of Levi Larrison, Wm. Ennis children, and children of Amos and Lewis Lynn. Morrill taught school six months there.
The second school was taught by Coe Edsall in a shanty made of posts set in the ground and boarded up, on section 32. This was in the summer of 1835. The first school house in district No. 1, was built in 1865 by Richard Whiten contractor. The last teacher in that building was Florence Houghtlin. A new school edifice was built in this district in 1884 by N. F. Smith, Jr. John Gavin taught the first term of school in this house, being the winter term of 1884-5.
District #4 has a neat substantial frame school house built in 1883 by William Willis, contractor. Emma Legate taught the first term in this house in 1884. The building before used had burned down. It was constructed of logs and was located in what is known as Good Hollow.
The first school house in N. 4 or Pleasant Grove district, was built in 1866. The people of the neighborhood turned out and raised the logs themselves, so that the expense was light. The name of the first teacher was Miller. Lowery Pattison taught the last term in that building. In 1883 the present structure was erected by John Powell, contractor. It is the best house in the township. – Contributed by Marty Crull.
Jerseyville Republican, 23 November 1916
Old Landmark Consumed By Fire. Rosedale.
One of the old landmarks of the township was consumed by fire on November 7th., when the old log building that stood just below George Bethels on Plowman L. Crulls farm fell prey to the flames. It was the last (as far as we know) old log school house in the county. It was known as the Thompson School in olden days. – Contributed by Marty Crull.
I am the Grand Daughter of George Bethel I am trying to find a picture of our home where we lived in George Bethel’s house we where told it was tore down I would appreciate any help you could give me. Thank You
I am the daughter of Laura Keller Ralston.