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Jersey County Page Township Page Elsah Township

Elsah Township Land Patentees
T6N-R11WSections with Land Entries are underlined. Section 16 was reserved for School Lands.

Township Sections

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6 5 4 3 2 1
7 8 9 10 11 12
18 17 16 15 14 13
19 20 21 22 23 24
30 29 28 27 26 25
31 32 33 34 35 36


Section 1, TS6, R11W
Patentee Name Patent Date Patent # Accession#
DELONG, LUTHER B. 08/01/1844 22896 IL2350__.069
JENKINS, Alexander M. 12/01/1845 20026 IL2360__.028
JENKINS, Alexander M. 12/01/1845 20027 IL2360__.029
JONES, MERRIWEATHER 01/01/1840 15559 IL2200__.323
LUCAS, GEORGE W. 12/02/1839 14276 IL2180__.080
LUCAS, GEORGE W. 12/02/1839 8463 IL0270__.463
ROBINSON, JEFFREY 12/02/1839 12893 IL2150__.267
SPANGLE, NANCY 12/02/1839 13394 IL2160__.252
SPRANGLE, SUSANNAH 12/02/1839 12115 IL2140__.011


Section 2, TS6, R11W
Patentee Name Patent Date Patent # Accession#
Alexander, Peter 12/02/1839 11911 IL2130__.309
GARDNER, Ferrand 12/02/1839 13840 IL2170__.171
GILLHAM, Marcus 10/25/1834 4833 IL0200__.377
LAWSON, Clarkson 12/02/1839 13548 IL2160__.397
LUCAS, George W. 12/02/1839 13077 IL2150__.443
MURPHY, DAVID 12/02/1839 11910 IL2130__.308
SMITH, William H. 12/02/1839 13371 IL2160__.231
SPANGLE, George 01/01/1840 17596 IL2240__.255
SPANGLE, George 12/02/1839 9104 IL2080__.067


PIGGOTT, Joseph F.




Section 3, TS6, R11W
Patentee Name Patent Date Patent # Accession #
CARROLL, Richard V. 12/02/1839 9493 IL2080__.433
COCKRELL, George C. 01/01/1840 20676 IL2300__.278
DICKERSON, Levi 12/02/1839 13261 IL2160__.127
FORBES, Moses 01/01/1840 18083 IL2250__.226
GILLHAM, John D. 04/22/1835 6656 IL0240__.190
GRIGGS, Stephen 01/01/1840 15582 IL2200__.346
McQUEEN, Joshua 12/02/1839 9850 IL2090__.281
PIGGOTT, James A. 12/02/1839 13622 IL2160__.467
WHIPPLE, Josiah 01/01/1840 18082 IL2250__.225


MCDOW, Marjane




Section 4, TS6, R11W
Patentee Name Patent Date Patent # Accession#
CHASE, Asher 12/02/1839 13187 IL2160__.055
CHASE, Asher 12/02/1839 13188 IL2160__.056
CHAVIS, Betsey 01/01/1840 19055 IL2270__.189
LURTON, Jacob 12/02/1839 14681 IL2180__.456
MCDAW, Marjane 12/02/1839 14110 IL2170__.426
PIGGOTT, Joseph 12/02/1839 13630 IL2160__.475
PIGGOTT, Joseph 12/02/1839 13631 IL2160__.476


Section 5, TS6, R11W
Patentee Name Patent Date Patent # Accession#
AIKEN, Josiah T. 12/02/1839 13983 IL2170__.306
ASH, Horace F. 02/01/1851 25174 IL2400__.066
ASKEW, Josiah T. 12/02/1839 10410 IL2100__.325
ASKEW, Josiah T. 12/02/1839 13384 IL2160__.242
ASKEW, Josiah T. 10/20/1834 4162 IL0190__.209
ASKEW, Josiah T. 10/15/1835 8238 IL0270__.237
HOWLAND, Orange F. 01/01/1840 17543 IL2240__.206
KENNEDY, Samuel H. 01/01/1840 20191 IL2290__.297
KENNEDY, Samuel H. 01/01/1840 20192 IL2290__.298
MCDOW, Charles 12/02/1839 14111 IL2170__.427
SLATEN, John W. 04/10/1848 23773 IL2370__.191






SWANN, James G.




SWANN, Nathan C.




Section 6, TS6, R11W
Patentee Name Patent Date Patent # Accession#
ASKEW, Josiah T. 11/25/1830 1233 IL0130__.388
FERRY, Isaac 10/08/1835 7683 IL0260__.196
NOBLE, Geogre 12/02/1839 13121 IL2150__.487
NOBLE, George 09/25/1835 7176 IL0250__.198
PIGGOTT, Joseph 10/25/1834 4516 IL0200__.062
SPALDING, Enoch 01/01/1840 16011 IL2210__.258
TERRY, Isaac 10/15/1835 8276 IL0270__.275


SWANN, Nathan C.




Section 7, TS6, R11W
Patentee Name Patent Date Patent # Accession#
BROWN, Chauncey 12/02/1839 14092 IL2170__.408
GODFREY, Benjamin 01/01/1840 15258 IL2200__.029
GODFREY, Benjamin 01/01/1840 15259 IL2200__.030
GODFREY, Benjamin 01/01/1840 15260 IL2200__.031
McQUEEN, Eliza 12/02/1839 10599 IL2110__.012
McQUEEN, Eliza 12/02/1839 10796 IL2110__.206
McQUEEN, Joshua 12/02/1839 10427 IL2100__.342
SHIPP, Samuel A. 01/01/1840 15408 IL2200__.174
SWANN, James G. 12/02/1839 10204 IL2100__.122
TERRY, Jasper M. 12/02/1839 11281 IL2120__.185


Section 8, TS6, R11W
Patentee Name Patent Date Patent # Accession#
ASH, Horace F. 02/01/1851 25172 IL2400__.064
ASKEW, Josiah T. 12/02/1839 10851 IL2110__.261
ASKEW, Josiah T. 03/12/1834 2819 IL0160__.370
CALDWELL, John R. 12/02/1839 13172 IL2160__.040
McDOW, Charles 12/02/1839 13388 IL2160__.246
McDOW, Charles 03/12/1834 2820 IL0160__.371
SILSBEE, John 12/02/1839 14193 IL2180__.001
SLATEN, George 12/02/1839 14129 IL2170__.444
SWANN, James G. 12/02/1839 14474 IL2180__.262


Section 9, TS6, R11W
Patentee Name Patent Date Patent # Accession#
BOSTWICK, John 01/01/1840 15089 IL2190__.374
BOSTWICK, John 01/01/1840 15409 IL2200__.172
GRIGGS, Stephen 01/01/1840 15583 IL2200__.347
GRIGGS, Stephen 01/01/1840 15586 IL2200__.350
KENNEDY, Samuel H. 01/01/1840 20190 IL2290__.296
MCDOW, John 12/02/1839 11526 IL2120__.428
MCDOW, John 12/02/1839 13858 IL2170__.189
MCDOW, Thomas 12/02/1839 14490 IL2180__.278
PIGGOTT, Isaac N. 01/01/1840 15411 IL2200__.175
RANDLE, Irwin B. 01/01/1840 15014 IL2190__.300
STANTON, Thomas 01/01/1840 15090 IL2190__.375


Section 10, TS6, R11W

Patentee Name Patent Date Patent # Accession#
ASH, Horace F. 02/01/1851 25173 IL2400__.065
CUDDY, William 01/01/1840 21038 IL2310__.128
FORBES, MOSES 01/01/1840 18083 IL2250__.226
GRIGGS, STEPHEN 01/01/1840 15584 IL2200__.348
JENKINS, Alexander M. 12/01/1845 20028 IL2360__.030
LUSK, JOHN T. 12/02/1839 14225 IL2180__.031
MCQUEEN, JOSHUA 12/02/1839 9796 IL2090__.229
PIGGOTT, JOSEPH 12/02/1839 13623 IL2160__.468


Section 11, TS6, R11W
Patentee Name Patent Date Patent # Accession#
BOSTWICK, John 01/01/1840 15088 IL2190__.373
CARSON, Alexander 04/22/1835 6734 IL0240__.260
CHAPPLE, Bartholomew 12/02/1839 13696 IL2170__.035
CHAPPLE, Bartholomew 04/22/1835 6706 IL0240__.232
CHAPPLE, Bartholomew 04/22/1835 6733 IL0240__.259
COCKRELL, Moses 05/25/1841 21470 IL2320__.070
LONG, Enoch 12/02/1839 14233 IL2180__.039
PIERSON, Mark 12/02/1839 13370 IL2160__.230
SHAYS, John 01/01/1840 14779 IL2190__.078
WHEELER, Erastus 12/02/1839 13733 IL2170__.070


Section 12, TS6, R11W
Patentee Name Patent Date Patent # Accession#
CAMP, John 01/01/1840 15572 IL2200__.336
CARROLL, Michael W. 12/02/1839 12344 IL2140__.230
CARROLL, Michael W. 10/25/1834 4545 IL0200__.091


Section 13, TS6, R11W
Patentee Name Patent Date Patent # Accession#
CARROLL, Michael W. 12/02/1839 12345 IL2140__.231
CHAPPLE, Bartholomew 12/02/1839 12127 IL2140__.022
CHAPPLE, Bartholomew 12/02/1839 12128 IL2140__.023
CLARK, SQUIRE 09/18/1835 5247 IL0210__.286
DODSON, DAVID 12/02/1839 13296 IL2160__.157
MASON, Thomas 10/25/1834 4637 IL0200__.183
MCMAHAN, Daniel 12/02/1839 13289 IL2160__.150
MCMINN, JOSEPH 12/02/1839 13561 IL2160__.410
STONE, CALEB 12/02/1839 13544 IL2160__.395
TOLMAN, Daniel 12/02/1839 12311 IL2140__.198
WAKEFIELD, Enoch 12/02/1839 13409 IL2160__.267


Section 14, TS6, R11W
Patentee Name Patent Date Patent # Accession#
CHAPPLE, Bartholomew 12/02/1839 12126 IL2140__.021
GAY, EDWARD J. 12/02/1839 13641 IL2160__.485
LOFTON, John W. 12/02/1839 14505 IL2180__.292
PIGGOTT, ISAAC N. 12/02/1839 13286 IL2160__.147
PINCKARD, William G. 12/02/1839 13309 IL2160__.169
RANDLE, IRWIN B. 12/02/1839 14237 IL2180__.043


Section 15, TS6, R11W
Patentee Name Patent Date Patent # Accession#
CARROLL, Thomas 10/20/1834 4216 IL0190__.263
CARROLL, Thomas 09/18/1835 5339 IL0210__.377
CARROLL, Thomas 08/25/1828 978 IL0130__.034
GAY, EDWARD J. 12/02/1839 13478 IL2160__.332
HOULDEN, Thomas 01/01/1840 19374 IL2280__.002
LONG, Enoch 12/02/1839 14235 IL2180__.041
LONG, Enoch 12/02/1839 14236 IL2180__.042
PIGGOTT, JOSEPH 03/12/1834 2796 IL0160__.347
PIGGOTT, JOSEPH 10/25/1834 4518 IL0200__.064
SEYBOLD, SAMUEL 11/25/1830 1005 IL0130__.251


Section 17, TS6, R11W
Patentee Name Patent Date Patent # Accession#
ASKEW, JOSIAH T. 12/02/1839 13383 IL2160__.241
ATWATER, JOSHUA 12/02/1839 14176 IL2170__.485
ATWATER, JOSHUA 12/02/1839 14177 IL2170__.486
GRIGGS, STEPHEN 01/01/1840 15585 IL2200__.349
MAXEY, BURNETT 12/02/1839 14157 IL2170__.468
MAXEY, BURNETT 12/02/1839 14158 IL2170__.469
PIGGOTT, ISAAC N. 01/01/1840 15412 IL2200__.176
RANDLE, IRWIN B. 01/01/1840 15013 IL2190__.299
SKIDMORE, ANDREW R. 12/02/1839 14230 IL2180__.036


Section 18, TS6, R11W
Patentee Name Patent Date Patent # Accession#
ADAMS, John 12/02/1839 14226 IL2180__.032
GRIGGS, STEPHEN 01/01/1840 15405 IL2200__.169
GRIGGS, STEPHEN 01/01/1840 15407 IL2200__.171
PIGGOTT, ISAAC N. 01/01/1840 15410 IL2200__.173
PIGGOTT, JOSEPH 12/02/1839 13629 IL2160__.474
SKIDMORE, ANDREW R. 12/02/1839 14229 IL2180__.035


Section 19, TS6, R11W
Patentee Name Patent Date Patent # Accession#
MASON, JAMES 05/11/1829 1211 IL0130__.243


Section 20, TS6, R11W
Patentee Name Patent Date Patent # Accession#
HASKILL, GEORGE 08/01/1844 14156 IL2350__.213
MASON, JAMES 05/11/1829 1210 IL0130__.242
MASON, JAMES 07/08/1828 970 IL0130__.026


Section 21, TS6, R11W
Patentee Name Patent Date Patent # Accession#
BASYE, JOSEPH I. 08/25/1828 974 IL0130__.030
CARROLL, Thomas 12/02/1839 13950 IL2170__.274
MASON, JAMES 05/12/1828 952 IL0130__.008
MASON, JAMES 07/08/1828 971 IL0130__.027
MASON, JAMES 08/25/1828 983 IL0130__.039
SKIDMORE, ANDREW R. 12/02/1839 14231 IL2180__.037


Section 22, TS6, R11W
Patentee Name Patent Date Patent # Accession#
CARROLL, Thomas 12/02/1839 13949 IL2170__.273
GAY, EDWARD J. 12/02/1839 13477 IL2160__.331
GILLHAM, John D. 03/16/1829 1020 IL0130__.071
LONG, Enoch 12/02/1839 14234 IL2180__.040
PIGGOTT, ISAAC N. 12/02/1839 13723 IL2170__.060
PINCKARD, William G. 12/02/1839 12886 IL2150__.260
SKIDMORE, ANDREW R. 12/02/1839 14227 IL2180__.033
SKIDMORE, ANDREW R. 12/02/1839 14228 IL2180__.034


Section 23, TS6, R11W
Patentee Name Patent Date Patent # Accession#
BATES, JAMES 09/07/1835 3392 IL0170__.450
GRIGGS, STEPHEN 12/02/1839 13288 IL2160__.149
MANNEN, John B. 12/02/1839 10191 IL2100__.111
MANNEN, John B. 12/02/1839 11701 IL2130__.102
OGLE, SAMUEL 03/12/1834 2779 IL0160__.330
PIGGOTT, ISAAC N. 12/02/1839 13724 IL2170__.061
PINCKARD, William G. 12/02/1839 12884 IL2150__.258
PINCKARD, William G. 12/02/1839 12885 IL2150__.259
PINCKARD, William G. 12/02/1839 12887 IL2150__.261


Section 24, TS6, R11W
Patentee Name Patent Date Patent # Accession#
GRIGGS, STEPHEN 12/02/1839 13287 IL2160__.148
HOGG, FRANCIS 12/02/1839 13302 IL2160__.163
PINCKARD, William G. 12/02/1839 13774 IL2170__.105
RUTTER, John W. 01/01/1840 16979 IL2230__.185
TOLMAN, Daniel 12/02/1839 12312 IL2140__.199
TOLMAN, Daniel 12/02/1839 12313 IL2140__.200


Section 25, TS6, R11W
Patentee Name Patent Date Patent # Accession#
BOSTWICK, John 08/01/1844 12036 IL2350__.208
FOSTER, JOEL 12/01/1845 23294 IL2360__.207
GUTZWELLER, PETER 04/10/1848 23814 IL2370__.232
KLUNK, JOSEPH 03/16/1829 1006 IL0130__.061


Section 26, TS6, R11W
Patentee Name Patent Date Patent # Accession#
BATES, William 04/10/1824 542 IL0120__.075
BOSTWICK, John 08/01/1844 12037 IL2350__.263


Section 27, TS6, R11W
Patentee Name Patent Date Patent # Accession#
BOSTWICK, John 12/02/1839 12038 IL2130__.434


Section 28, TS6, R11W
Patentee Name Patent Date Patent # Accession#
BASYE, JOSEPH I. 08/25/1828 975 IL0130__.031


Jersey County Page Township Page Elsah Township